
Jason Cascarina

Associate creative director. Humbug.

1 comment:

  1. If you were a felt tip, what colour would you be?
    Oh please.

    Name a book you never finished reading.
    The Craft of Copywriting.

    If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
    An invulnerable liver.

    What is your all time favorite joke?
    A bloke walks past a high fence. From the other side, he can hear a crowd chanting "thirteen, thirteen, thirteen." He spots a little hole in the fence and presses his face up against it to see what's going on. A finger jabs him in the eye and the crowd start chanting, "fourteen, fourteen, fourteen..."

    Sing a song.

    The highlight of your week?
    My daughter carrying a massive bunch of flowers with the same name as her.

    Soundbyte, according to the person who sits nearest you:
    "Mwa ha ha ha"


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