
James Westlake (no relation)

Account director and army of one.

1 comment:

  1. Describe a vivid dream you’ve had.
    I thought I met an old school friend I hadn’t seen since I was 13, while I was out snorkelling. But it turned out he was actually a lobster.

    Name a book you never finished reading.
    Getting Things Done.

    What is your all time favorite joke?
    What’s better than Christopher Reeves? Christopher Walken.

    Ever come close to death?
    I was in the middle of a high speed head-on collision between SUVs in Kiev and completely believed that was it.

    If the whole world were listening, what would you say?
    Don’t get your hopes up.

    What's the worst advice you've ever taken?
    You’ll only regret the things you don’t do.

    Soundbyte, according to the person who sits nearest you:
    “Anyone fancy a cheeky snifter and a duzza?”


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