Who are ya?


John Aitchison

Copywriter, geet canny wi' wurds, like.

Becky Allard

Project manager who can spot the signs a mile off.

Chris Bell

Developer, currently working on launching Skynet.

David Blaaaaaaaaaasebyyyyyyyyyyyy

Senior account director and inventor of the 'Blambush.'

Dan Bowers

Head of data planning, likes to munch the Star Bar (not a euphemism).

Mark Brown

Strategy director and unashamed tree hugger.

Jason Cascarina

Associate creative director. Humbug.

Ross Cockrill

Copywriter who's Norfolk 'n good.

Joe 'Kayo' Cusack

The planner they call The Hammer.

Ayla De Moraes

Data planner. A Weasel is weasily wecognised. A stoat is stoataly different.

Gareth Evans

Business development manager and overgrown Harry Potter-a-like. SPLITTER

Jeremy Garner

Creative director and master of the fiendish twist.

Laura Green

Project manager. Bye for now.

Simon Gregory

Planner, archaeologist, hubcap thief (probably). SPLITTER


Steven Hess

CEO. There ain't no party like a Hess club party.

David Hitch

Art director, polishing his guns.

Kate Isaacs

Financial rock 'n' controller.

Rosie Kenworthy

Office admin and fridge Nazi.

Serena Madan

Project Manager (now that we persuaded her to stay).

Ant McGinty

Associate creative director, last seen somewhere in Erith.

Jen McKenzie

Account McManager.

Rob Meldrum

Technical director, man of ethics. Sorry, Essex.

Rob Mellis

His bizzle is dezizzle.

Tom Miskin

Planner and "Most Special Agent" of the World Intelligence Network.

Richard Moloney

Senior account manager. Some people wait a lifetime, for a Momo like this.

Dan Needham

Dan the man, his flam's no sham. SPLITTER

Anna Nichols

Copywriter and social media 1.0 expert.

Ugonna Nwosu


Laura Orton

Art director in search of a very, VERY tall horse.

James Pais.

Operations director and suspected terrorist.


Ian Patrick

Head of art. And faffage.

Tom Schrimshaw

Flash developer and light cyclist (see what I did there?).

Jono Smart

Data planner landscape gardener. SPLITTER

Chris Westlake

Managing partner. Tremble before his subsonic bass woofer.

James Westlake (no relation)

Account director and army of one.


Jeremy Willmott

No, the other Jeremy.

Natalie Wolmarans

Prajict Cah-Awdinatur, ah big yaws? SPLITTER